Verder Liquids Wishes You Happy Holidays!

With the end of 2021 coming close we want to thank you for your confidence in Verder. We have been there for you already more than 60 years and we will also be there for you next year as your first choice for pumps! We hope you will enjoy our little memory game; it is a way to meet in an informal way at the end of the year.
To thank you for your confidence there is an opportunity to win an Amazon Gift Card (value € 30 - 20 pc in total).


Thank you for participating.

Our memory game is now closed. 



amazon gift card 6



To celebrate this joyeus season, we are offering you the chance to win one of 20 Amazon Gift Cards (€ 30,=).
Can you beat the score? Can you remember all the pumps on the cards and set the fastest time? 


  • You can play as often as you'd like
  • Prizes will be raffled at random
  • You can play from December 10  to 7 January 2022
  • Only valid, company email addresses can win the price
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